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Statistics of the last days Alliance []

Pie chart for the last 31 days

Metal : 0
Crystal : 0
Deuterium : 0

Losses : 0
Damages : 0
Number of CR0
Average per CR0

TOP Nick Metal Crystal Deuterium Losses Damages Profits percentage Nb CR Average per CR

 Month :

Profits for each month of the year 2024

Profits Metal Crystal Deuterium Consumption Nb CR 9 Global profits  0000001-20150000002-20150000003-20150000004-20150000005-20150000006-20150000007-20150000008-20150000009-201500000010-201500000011-2015377656 268044 70000 43727 1 4115 12-201500000013-201500000014-2015608049 416905 154107 37886 2 849 3-201600000016-201500000017-201500000018-201500000019-201526887404 18229998 3779032 5647720 1 769346 8-201600000021-201500000022-2015364581 212277 106930 45543 1 169 11-201600000024-2015733752 440576 176796 122628 1 6248 1-2017204426 120739 70052 14209 2 574 2-20173346190 789162 2069166 1359717 2 871855 3-201700000028-201500000029-20151492887 929055 444699 137749 2 18616 6-201700000031-2015529382 397671 117560 15565 1 1414 8-201700000033-2015263207798 166150130 88144125 25823841 814 16910298 10-2017296467820 191988449 103476167 20907259 466 19904055 11-20177988707 4881251 3628206 641875 36 1162625 12-2017131647861 69176704 43999481 27714982 160 9243306 1-201819332788 14635393 3893830 4144944 77 3341379 2-201839098431 24314675 10967952 4275082 50 459278 3-2018538675260 325394296 142404269 73860733 384 2984038 4-201800000041-20151056121421 602429165 307566424 192172034 345 46046202 6-2018-1068600070 -593731799 -370256818 -104228833 36 382620 7-201815463082 11855061 2930896 1187843 5 510718 8-2018-4519798688 -1738301469 -1278639847 -1502265240 363 592132 9-201844581865 24587981 16324394 4060814 687 391324 10-2018-17434470299 -6642419173 -6447589015 -4240566151 1389 103895960 11-20184963095101 2871269694 1548337617 615323907 2143 71836117 12-2018532134520 345343174 166182866 29173048 190 8564568 1-2019173700399 106447852 53120983 17742430 148 3610866 2-201936936455 23127871 9991362 4060426 25 243204 3-2019

Contact : vulca.topraider@gmail.com

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